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My skills & experiences.
I prefer to full stack develop my projects. This means that I do both the front-end and the back-end on my projects. In more technical words I have experience in the following coding languages. PHP (sometimes Laravel), HTML, CSS (usually Sass), JavaScript usually with jQuery, Bootstrap, Gulp, Webpack and if needed some plugins. I also use WordPress as a content management system so you can easily change all the text’s and images on your website without having to know how to code.
I have done internships for WordPress and front-end web development. I also got a job as a front-end web developer. I have also made a few websites for friends and family as a full stack and WordPress developer. I also got a diploma for application media developer.
At the moment I’m learning Vue.js
I hope that in the future I can use this to improve upon the user experience. I also want to start learning to build apps with Flutter.